KRISTIANSTAD, KOMPAS.com- The scout movement in the world continues to evolve. Currently registered almost 40 million adult and youth members of Scouting in 161 countries around the world, the Organization of the Scout Movement (World Organization of the Scout Movement) world.
The President of the Indonesia Contingent to the World Jamboree Scout, Bratinskiye, Hardjosubroto T, say, the Indonesia is a country that has one of largest Scout of the world, which is approximately $ 22 million. The Scout Movement range of the Indonesia of the children aged 7 to adult.
The scout movement growing in many countries developed in different cultural systems, traditions and values. However, the basic principles of rest the same belief of Scouting confirmed Almighty, solidarity, peace, cooperation, friendship and other.
Scouts as a global movement should contribute to create a better world. This means that the participation of adults and young people in their respective countries, ranging from local to national level, should be able to provide the meaning in their communities.
Mike Bosman, Chief of the World Scout Foundation (World Scout Foundation), say, the activities and the fundamental values of the Scout movement should be developed further on the younger generation. This effort as a form of equip young people with life skills, able to cope with the experience of life which is constantly changing and evolving.
"The spirit of the Scout movement in a still-development in various parts of the world, at this stage cannot be bought." Each State therefore we dare to, want to invest the wider scouting movement on many more young children. We must contribute to the spirit of our young children and inspired by the eternal message of peace. "This investment is very proud of a country," said Mike in an annual written report of the World Scout Foundation.
As a manifestation of solidarity of all members of the Boy Scouts of the world, World Jamboree (World Scout Jamboree) which takes place every four years back took place. Activities of the World Scout Jamboree the 22nd with a theme simply Scouting was centered on Earth Perkembahan Rinkaby, Kristianstad, Sweden, officially opened Thursday (29/7/2011) local evening time.
Of 38 000 members of Scouts in 150 countries present to pass through the camp with a wide range of activities for up to 6 August. Approximately 75 per cent of the participants is a member of youth Scouts aged 14 to 18 years.
The uniqueness of the World Scout Jamboree, with the presence of many volunteers from States parties. In fact, many volunteers who joined the international team of the Department merged independently, to assist in the implementation of the Jamboree, ranging from menajalani a job as a guardian of security, cleanliness, caterers, responsible for transport and various other jobs.
Jamboree world first Scout was held in London, at the United Kingdom in 1920. At this time, there are only 8,000 Scouts from 34 States join members. Development of the Scouts continue to be accelerated, the youth movements of the largest in the world.
Marie Reinicke, Chairman of the management team, said the activities of the Fis World Jamboree of boundaries meetings of cultural, religious and geographical cross for all BSA members. "But here all the Scouting experience will feel amazing, where all work together, laugh together, learn from each other and contribute to the development of their needs and those of society at this time,"says Marie."."