Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The extreme right and of immigrants in Europe 1

AP in Oslo Monday (25/7/2011) streets transformed into a sea of flowers of persons who participated in the walk in memory of the victims who perished in the tragedy of the massacre by a single author in the country, last Friday.

Groups ektrem right-Europe has experienced a revival over the past 30 years. The resurrection of the groups are motivated by hatred of the increases in the strength of the European Union and the rejection of multiculturalism which accompanied the immigration of people from developing countries.

Political parties opposed to immigration and integration (the settlers) were my best elections in recent years. In addition, groups of neo-fascist and National Socialist therefore "established on the continent, including Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, Hungary, Scandinavia and the United Kingdom."

Most of them entering the extreme right group will not reflect on the massacre which took place in Norway, Friday, then. Instead, they could empathize with what appears to be become the manifesto of the alleged assailant, Anders Behring Breivik. Breivik claimed, "cultural Marxism" morally degraded Europe. Breivik has written: "you can't beat the islamisation or stop or reverse the colonization of Islam in the West without first doctrine policy muzzling manifested through multiculturalism or cultural Marxism". He has also written, "one of the manifestation of the madness of the world of our time is multiculturalism."

Many of the racist, that promote such a white race, which is in agreement with this point of view in a Web site like, which had the motto "white pride worldwide". In the discussion forums of the sites, a thread entitled "fighting multiculturalism" Scandinavian warned that "a United Europe could become a strong wall against the Islamic invasion of"culture", but which occur on the contrary, Europe has become a gateway for Islam." Thread, which has been active for several years, contains reports on the charge of rape by immigrants, guard on the low birth rate that the native Scandinavia, and links to videos of the protests against the extreme right.

Another Thread entitled, "Please Nordic people, white Dungeon Scandinavia." A day before the attack, which killed 76 people in Norway, last Friday, it is one of the participants in the forum wrote, "Norway should increase and deportations (all) who are not white."

In his own, suspected bomber, Anders Breivik, complained the "Muslim ghettofikasi process" in Oslo, a term also used the right of ektrem to the Denmark.

The political right party in Scandinavia, but not marrying the apocalyptic that view, but has been memanfatkan such feelings and take advantage of the benefits to the polls in general elections. Denamar of the people's Party (Dansk Folkerpartis), which was correct, has 25 seats in Parliament. The Democratic Party of the Sweden, also the right flank, won a 5.7% of the vote in the elections of 2010. In Finland, the true Finns is a spectacular breakthrough in elections in April with a note, one of the five existing his entry into the party.

Other that in Scandinavia, in France of the Front National won 15% of the vote in the first round of local elections on March 23, 2010, even if it is not a vote at the national level. Party of President Nicolas Sarkozy, winning only two per cent. The Netherlands, Geert Wilders (politicians who admires Breivik in his writings) has managed to stir up hatred against Islam. The freedom party, Wilders was built, the third party of the country of flying, with the acquisition of 24 seats in the Parliament of the Netherlands. In 2009, the United Kingdom National Party won enough votes that has allowed the party to send two members of the European Parliament, a result that is very surprising.

Most of these parties and groups of the extreme right in Europe is opposed to freedom of movement within the European Union, as stated in the Schengen Agreement. Subject, is also a question of mainstream political parties. The Conservative Government of the France and the Italy, for example, launched a campaign controversial to expel Roma, or Gypsy, community accused have raised the level of crime.

Last may, controls at the borders unilaterally back Denmark to introduce the fight against illegal immigrants and organized crime, a move defended by the Danish people's Party.

Issues relating to border and immigration open several now became part of the European crisis these days, which includes the financial future of the euro zone doubts. Parties of the extreme right in Scandinavia are opposed to the financial bailout of the European Union for the weaker members, such as the Greece and the Portugal. Opposition has become a real threat when the transaction was the approval by unanimity among the 27 EU Member States. The daily conservative Die Welt, in Germany, in may, it reports properly in writing, "the border is open or common currency causes no country (European Union) became equitable growth." On the contrary, it insists on maintaining their national characteristics of the country. »

The politician of the far right, Wilders of Marine Le Pen, French National Front leader, quickly and firmly condemns the attack against the Norway. SIV Jensen, the leader of the Party of the progress of Norway (ideologically ultra right and Breivik has been a member) said, "terrible and cowardly attacks that we see is contrary to the principles and underlying values of the Norway society."

However the parties that attract people that promote the white race and the néo-fasciste. The groups that are merged, mutate and bereformasi with great frequency, usually consisting of young men with a minimum of education and poor but have prospects for performance of the work. They see that his life was marked by arrogant and increased immigration from Africa and South Asia.

A number of ideologues in groups that predicted the economic collapse, will lead the resistance army in Europe. As the jihadists aspirants, enthusiasts of white supremacy and other persons in a group of ultra right can quickly find contacts and strengthen on a website and a discussion forum online. (To be continued...)

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