Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The extreme right and of immigrants in Europe 2

The Daily Mail of the thousands of bouquets were placed in the courtyard of the Cathedral in Oslo, Norway, in mourning for the victims killed in the attacks, bombings and shootings by a single author of extreme right prevailing in the country, last Friday.

Use of the violence by groups of the extreme right in Europe is not new. Violence as was the case Friday last and killed 76 people in Norway took place in the 1970s, although on a smaller scale.

In 1980, a Germany named year 27 of Gundolf old Koehler detonated a bomb at the Oktoberfest (party to drink beer) in Munich. The event was killed and 12 other Koehler. Documents found in the body of his with Koehler associate with character paramilitary defence Sports (Wehrsportgruppe), led by Karl-Heinz Hoffmann. The last person who saw himself as a "spiritual descendant" of Hitler. Koehler is believed to have acted alone.

In the 1990s, the neo-Nazi Germany, often act alone, attacked a number of immigrant family home of Turkey. A bombing in 1993, killing two women and three children, Turkey and in 2000, 10 immigrants, mostly Jewish, were wounded in a bombing in Dusseldorf. Cities as Guben in the East Germany became famous because of the attack group head shaved against asylum seekers, i.e. citizens of the Algeria, Africa and the Turkey.

Germany aims to ban the party from the Government, the ultra right, the National Democratic Party in 2003, using a clause in the Constitution, which prohibited the neo-Nazi party. However, the Constitutional Court of the Germany refused to implement the case because the Government has menginflitrasi the party with the informant. The National Democratic Party (NDP), who reject violence, won 5% of the vote in the elections in the State of Saxony in 2009.

The secret service recently Germany estimate, there are 25,000 ultra right-wing extremists in this country and the number of crimes committed by extreme right groups in the eastern part of the Germany, which was once the territory of the former Communists, increased concern with numbers reaching 40 per cent. Groups such as neo-Nazis, 34 Sturm, remained active in Germany.

Individuals this spirit or sympathetic to the extreme right groups in Europe have committed acts of bomber or attack with knives against targets immigrants, homosexuals and Jews. However, no there was no precedent for a large attack which took place in Norway on Friday, what is now discovery of a long process and careful planning. Ironically, alleged perpetrators of the attack on the Norway, Anders Behring Breivik, who had been arrested and disidangkan began, seems to have learned of Al-Qaida methodology in the planning of the attack. He is known to write, "it is like the Warriors of Jihad which is plum tree of the people, we'd be plum for Europe and Christianity.

Nothing that a previous events such as the magnitude of the tragedy Friday than the persalahkan on the right, i.e. a group of events for ultra in Bologna, Italy, 1980, when 88 people were killed in the explosion of a bomb at the station. Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari, a faction of the group right esktrem Hotel, which was published Terza in the ruins of the neo-fascist group, claimed responsibility for the attack. At this time, the extreme right of the Italy Group had a relationship with the secret services of that country, who see it as a tool to fight against communism. The Italy was the strongest Communist Party in Western Europe. A Rome judge investigating the group, was murdered a week before the bombing of Bologna.

However the Collocazione Terza is driven by an ideological struggle is typical of the Italy. Today, thirty years past, the target groups of the fascism, is now what they perceive as the Islamization of Europe and the acceptance of the concept of the policy of multiculturalism. Which may explain why target in Norway Friday was linked to the labour party.

For generations, Europe has been defined in the primary of the rivalry between the left and right, conservative and Christian Democratic Socialist opponents. This Division is still valid, but these days the results of the elections and the rise of the extreme right of the Group exposes that identity issues begin to interfere in the political life of the continent.

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