Monday, April 18, 2011

U.S. Stealth Fund Syrian Opposition

Unjuk rasa Suriah (Foto: AP)
Syria demonstrations

WASHINGTON - The United States (U.S.) secretly funding the Syrian opposition groups, including satellite TV channels that broadcast programs of anti-government.

The Washington Post quoted diplomatic leaks from wire WikiLeaks, that Barada TV channel based in London which began broadcast in April 2009, has increased the production of broadcasts that reviews rally in Syria.

TV Barada is closely affiliated with the Justice and Development Movement, a network of Syrian exiles based in London. Similarly, as reported by AFP on Sunday (18/04/2011).

In the U.S. diplomatic wire reports indicate, the U.S. State Department has distributed the funds as much as $ 6 million or approximately USD 52.1 billion to the group since 2006.

The protests demanding greater freedom and political reform broke out in Syria on March 15. The protest raises new challenges for the administration of President President Bashar al-Assad in power since 2000.

Assad on Saturday, April 16, promises to lift state of emergency for almost 50 years in a week, but the move was deemed inadequate and new protests came back.

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