Monday, March 28, 2011

"Obama's Libya Policy Confusing"

Barack Obama
WASHINGTON - President of the United States (U.S.), Barack Obama would explain his decision to include U.S. military forces in Libya. But the Republican party assess the policies of President Obama's confusing.

"The policy (of Libya), this can be said very confusing, unclear and very late," said Republican Senator John McCain as quoted by the Associated Press on Monday (3/28/2011).
"No wonder many Americans who confused, what this policy. Because on one hand the government assess the humanitarian mission, but on the other hand they (the government) urges Gaddafi to go,"continued McCain.

While the White House itself defends cautious approach by Obama. They call this very necessary to form a coalition, including gain support from Arab countries.

Earlier Obama called objective approach was used against Libyan military is to protect the people of Libya, not to depose Khadafi. But Obama clearly stated his desire to see Gaddafi went from Libya.

While based on polls conducted recently, most Americans support Obama's bid in Libya.
But many experts say Obama should accelerate the release of U.S. involvement in Libya if it does not want accused of using Libya as part of the upcoming 2012 presidential election campaign.

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